Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Point of SAT Paragraph Correction
This is actually a helpful section that can improve your score on other parts of tests. Stillââ¬âitââ¬â¢s a bit weird. The questions deviate from the rest of SAT Writing and throw out a big chunk of text, requiring you to switch gears. Rather than obsessing over the individual components of sentences and tweaking them (like in Sentence Correction and Error ID), youââ¬â¢re now looking at a whole piece of writing. Skills Tested in This Section Knowing Good vs. Bad Organization You might be tired of hearing about ââ¬Å"body paragraphs,â⬠but they are important here. Pick out the building blocks: topic sentences, supporting details, and transition sentences. Are these components there? How are they being used? Are they adhering to a basic structure? Coherence over Content You just need a general understanding of what the topic is. Beyond that, donââ¬â¢t worry about making inferences or deciphering what the author is trying to say about the topic. The priority is making sure that everything is in the right place and that it flows. If you find the paragraph topic, how can the paragraph be re-arranged to make it a little clearer? How this can help with your Essay This is a ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t Let This Happen to Youâ⬠-type deal. All of the Writing multiple choice questions have an overlap with the essay; grammar is an important part of both. However, the Paragraph Correction sentences are especially relevant because they focus on organization. Studying for this helps you practice your essay. The paragraphs display examples of poor writing to avoid when writing your essay. Do you recognize the mistakes displayed in these questions in your own writing? Have you made the same mistakes? Practicing these questions gives you a chance to proofread and check for organization, which is precisely one of the things your essay scorer will be doing.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
How to Use the Italian Imperfect Subjunctive Tense
As we have discussed elsewhere in relation to the grammar of the present subjunctive mood, contrary to the indicativo, which is the verb mode of reality, the congiuntivo is the mode of wish, thought, dream, hope, possibility or impossibility, uncertainty, and wishful thinking. It is a conjugation demanded by a particular set of verbsââ¬âsuch as credere (to believe), pensare (to think), volere (to want or wish),à immaginare (to imagine), supporre (to suppose), temere (to fear), suggerireà (to suggest),à sperareà (to hope),à desiderareà (to wish), andà insistereà (to insist)ââ¬âand particular phrasal constructions, which we will review below. What Does the Congiuntivo Imperfetto Express In the realm of the congiuntivo, if the presente congiuntivo is used to express contemporaneity of wish with an action in the presentââ¬âspero che tu venga oggi (I hope that you come today)ââ¬âthe imperfetto congiuntivo is used to convey contemporaneity of wish with a principal action in the past or in a conditional setting: Speravo che tu venissi. I hoped that you would come.Vorrei che tu venissi con noi. I wish that you would come with us.Ti vedrei oggi se tu venissi. I would see you today if you came. The congiuntivo imperfetto is the you would come part; it is used with the principal verbââ¬âthe wishing or hoping or dreadingââ¬âin very specific tenses: the indicativo passato prossimo or imperfetto, or the condizionale presente. Please remember that the use of the congiuntivo in Italian does not translate always or even often to the English subjunctive, so as you pay attention to the translations, note the tenses in English as well. How to Conjugate and Use the Congiuntivo Imperfetto The congiuntivo imperfetto is a simple conjugation (not composed) made with the root of the indicativo imperfetto. You will remember it for all of its ss: -assi, -essi, -issi. Cantare Sapere Finire che io cantassi sapessi finissi che tu cantassi sapessi finissi che lui/lei/Lei cantasse sapesse finisse che noi cantassimo sapessimo finissimo che voi cantaste sapeste finiste che loro/Loro cantassero sapessero finissero Lets take a look at some sentences with cantare, sapere, and finire in the imperfetto congiuntivo using the possible tense matches. Note that, since the conjugation for the first and second person singular is identical, sometimes it behooves to use the subject pronoun for the sake of clarity. Main Verb in the Passato Prossimo With the Congiuntivo Imperfetto Ho sperato fino allultimo che tu cantassi una canzone. I hoped to the last minute that you would sing a song.Il babbo ha voluto che Luigi sapesse quanto gli voleva bene, quindi gli ha lasciato una lettera. Dad wanted Luigi to know how much he loved him, so he left him a letter.I professori hanno voluto che finissimo di studiare prima di uscire, quindi siamo rimasti. The teachers wanted us to finish studying before going out, so we stayed. Main Verb in the Imperfetto With the Congiuntivo Imperfetto Volevo che cantassi una canzone. I wanted you to sing a song.Il babbo sperava che Luigi sapesse quanto gli voleva bene. Dad hoped that Luigi knew how much he loved him.I professori volevano che finissimo di studiare prima di uscire, ma ce ne siamo andati. The teachers wanted us to finish studying before going out, but we left. Main Verb in the Condizionale Presente With the Congiuntivo Imperfetto Vorrei che tu cantassi una canzone. I wish that you would sing a song.Il babbo vorrebbe che Luigi sapesse quanto gli vuole bene, ma non glielo puà ² dire adesso. Dad would like for Luigi to know how much he loves him, but he cant tell him now.I professori vorrebbero che finissimo di studiare prima di uscire, ma non ci possono costringere. The teachers would like for us to finish studying before going out, but they cannot force us. With Se and Conditional Of course, instead of che, the conditional is often used with se. There are several ways of building a sentence with se. For example: Mangerei la torta se fosse pronta, or, Se la torta fosse pronta, la mangerei. I would eat the cake if it were ready; if the cake were ready, I would eat it. Se tu le parlassi, capirebbe. If you talked with her, she would understand.Sarei felice se tu venissi in Italia. I would be happy if you came to Italy.Se fossi in te, andrei a casa. If I were you, I would go home.Mi piacerebbe se tu mi aiutassi. I would like it if you helped me.Verrei se tu ci fossi. I would come if you were there.Se mi aiutassero completerei il lavoro. If they helped me, I would finish the work. The condizionale presente and passato are also used in constructions with the congiuntivo trapassato, or the past perfect subjunctive. Congiuntivo Imperfetto of Irregular Verbs Verbs that have an irregular imperfetto indicativo generally have an irregular imperfetto congiuntivo (but not alway: see stare below). You add the congiuntivo endings to the root, as you do in making the imperfetto indicativo. But some have their own very irregular conjugations without pattern. Here are a few: essere (to be), avere (to have), stare (to stay, live), dire (to say), and fare (to do): Essere Che io fossi Dubitavi che fossi a casa? Did you doubt I was home? Che tu fossi Io pensavo che tu fossi a scuola. I thought you were at school. Che lui/lei/Lei fosse Speravo che tu fossi contento. I hope that you were happy. Che noi fossimo Giulia pensava che noi fossimo in America. Giulia thought we were in America. Che voi foste Vorrei che voi foste felici. I wish that you were happy. Che loro/Loro fossero Le mamme vorrebbero che i figli fossero sempre felici. Moms wish for their children to always be happy. Avere Che io avessi La mamma vorrebbe che io avessi un cane da guardia. Mom wishes I had a watch dog. Che tu avessi La mamma credeva che tu avessi le chiavi. Mom thought you had the keys. Che lui/lei/Lei avesse Mi piacerebbe se il museo avesse un orario pià ¹ flessibile. I would like it if the museum had a more flexible schedule. Che noi avessimo Carla temeva che non avessimo lavoro. Carla feared that we didn't have work. Che voi aveste Pensavo che voi aveste un buon lavoro. I thought that you had a good job. Che loro/Loro avessero Vorrei che i bambini avessero pià ¹ tempo fuori dalla scuola. I wish the children had more time outside of school. Stare Che io stessi Lucio sperava che stessi a Roma fino a primavera. Lucio hoped that I would be in Rome till spring. Che tu stessi Volevo che tu stessi con me stanotte. I wanted you to stay with me tonight. Che lui/lei/Lei stesse Luisa vorrebbe che suo marito stesse a casa di pià ¹. Luisa wishes her husband would stay home more. Che noi stessimo Alla mamma piacerebbe se stessimo pià ¹ vicini. Mom would like it if we lived closer. Che voi steste Credevo che voi steste bene. I thought you were well. Che loro/Loro stessero Temevo che stessero male. I feared they were sick. Dire Che io dicessi Mi aiuterebbe se gli dicessi di cosa ho bisogno. He would help me if I told him what I need. Che tu dicessi Vorrei che tu dicessi la verità . I wish that you would tell the truth. Che lui/lei/Lei dicesse Non mi piaceva che non mi dicesse mai la verità . I didn't like it that he would never tell me the truth. Che noi dicessimo Vorrebbe che noi gli dicessimo la verità . He wishes that we would tell him the truth. Che voi diceste Vi aspetterei se mi diceste a che ora arrivate. I would wait for you if you told me at what time you're arriving. Che loro/Loro dicessero Andremmo a trovarli se ci dicessero dove sono. We would go visit them if they told us where they are. Other Constructions with the Congiuntivo The imperfetto congiuntivo, like other tenses in the congiuntivo, is often used with the following constructs with che (note that the constructs, if they involve a verb, must still be in the appropriate tenses called for by the congiuntivo imperfetto): Affinchà © (in order to): Dovevamo vederci affinchà © potessimo parlare. We needed to see each other in order for us to talk. Era necessario che (it was necessary/not necessary that): Non era necessario che tu venissi qui. It was not necessary that you come here.Sarebbe necessario che veniste in questura. It would be necessary for you to come to the police station. Era probabile/improbabile che (it was likely/unlikely that): Non era probabile che piovesse oggi, ma domani sà ¬. It was not likely that it would rain today, but tomorrow, yes.Era improbabile che lui capisse. It was unlikely that he would understand. Era possibile che (it was/was not possible that): Non era possibile che portassimo il cane con noi. It was not possible for us to bring the dog. Era folle/assurdo pensare che (it was crazy/absurd to think that): Era folle pensare che ci rivedessimo. It was crazy to think that we would see each other again. Poteva darsi che (it was possible that): Poteva anche darsi che si ricordasse di portare il pane. It was possible that he would remember to bring the bread. Bastava che, bisognava che (it would have sufficed/it was necessary that): Bastava che tu glielo dicessi, ti avrebbe creduto. It would have sufficed for you to tell him; he would have believed you.Bisognava che lo sapessimo. It was necessary for us to know/we needed to know. Era certo che (it was/was not certain that): Non era certo che venisse. It was not certain that he would show up. Avevo limpressione che (I had the impression that):à Avevo limpressione che non ti piacesse il cioccolato. I was under the impression you didnt like chocolate. Sebbene/malgrado/nonostante che (though/even though/in spite of): Nonostante che non si vedessero da otto anni, ancora si amavano. Though they had not seen each other in eight years, they still loved each other. Ovunque, qualunque (wherever, whichever): Qualunque cosa il bambino facesse, lei lo rimproverava. Whatever the child did, she would scold him. And magari (if only): Magari piovesse! If only it would rain!Magari potessi andare in Italia! If only I could go to Italy!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Influence Of Influence On Society - 970 Words
People think that they have control of their lives. While this is true there are many factors that influence that control and sometimes that influence is so strong that it overcomes a personââ¬â¢s intentions. Society influences and effect people every day and comes in many different ways. From the constant peer pressure that teens face to how much someoneââ¬â¢s potential income is, it is often times affected by society. In order to fix the negative effects of society, we must first understand what causes them. One important aspect of life is for an individual to get a good education and then to get a job. This is what is expected and needed from each individual in order to benefit him or herself as well as the society. The reason these two things need to be done is because each person is part of a larger picture: they are part of a society and according to the structural functionalism theory, societies work as a machine, each person needs to do their part in order for the machine to be working the most efficiently. The main reason that kids go to school can be explained by the structural function theory. In order to be a good ââ¬Å"cogâ⬠in the machine, one needs to get a good education that is why the first 12 years of school is the law. Afterwards, almost every single person gets a job. The only reason to get a job is not only to be able to support oneself but, also because it benefits the machine: it benefits the society. This is another explanation of why people get a job; it isS how MoreRelatedInfluence Of Social Influence On Society1461 Words à |à 6 PagesEverywhere you go there is someone or something that is trying to influence you. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Agora - Supermarket Chain Superstore Retail Organizations free essay sample
Agora is a Dhaka-based supermarket chain. It is the largest retailer, both by local sales and by domestic market share, and the the largest retailer in Dhaka leaving behind PQS, Meena Bazar, Nandan Mega Shop, Pacific, Pick and Pay, Etc, Shop Save and others. Originally specialising in food, it has moved into areas such as clothes, consumer electronics, consumer financial services, selling and renting DVDs, compact discs and and consumer telecom accessories. Agora Ltd. is an enterprise that combines industry and trade, mainly engages in retailing the quality products at the most lowest price in the market.The management of Agora, was an enthusiastic advocate of trading stamps as an inducement for shoppers to patronise their stores: They signed up with all types of quakity products manufacturer, and became one of the companyââ¬â¢s largest clients. But the management was a fan of pile it high and sell it cheap, and in the mid-2000 Agora faced many cost problems associated with not properly integrating its purchased chains of stores. We will write a custom essay sample on Agora Supermarket Chain Superstore Retail Organizations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When the firm overstretched itself opening few more outlets throughout the city, management consultants were called in to sort out the mess. In 2001 Agora launched Operation Checkout, an across the board price cutting campaign aimed at countering the threat from the new breed of discounters such as Kwik Save. Facing the world and looking beyond, Agora will always maintain the pure-hearted, enterprising, quality and struggling spirit make efforts to scrupulously abide by our goodwill, create splendid future together with you in management vision of joint development, joint prosperity and mutual benefits! Significance of the Study: Management of Agora Management is the part and parcel of everyone life.It is not only related in the business, it also affects human life as well as social life. The length of human life is short but the length of business is so large. So, we can say that management is a very and relevant tropic right now. Itââ¬â¢s also important for us to know about the difference between space and parts of management. We are the standard of business Studies, so if is out question that management is a very im portant topic of our syllabus. If the word comes in business then the word management comes with it. After knowing all these as a student I cannot let it go.As a part of study and also my personal intention I chose this topic. Management is a small word which starts with word manage. It dreams to gather things together. So we can easily say form its meaning it main objective in together. Employers are the owner of the firm or the representative assigned by owner. So management starts form that stage and we can say that the management born form there. This is the top level. The first design what will be the structure of the firm and how they going to operate these organization. The also decide has much the power they give to employ.All these things will work or proper management. If the owner or employer failed to make proper management stage if will ruins all the recourse of the owner which is not accepted. Employees are the servants that operate the management according to. The instruction they are given by their employees. If they have not proper management they will lose their direction and their effort or labor wouldnââ¬â¢t bring any good for the organization on the other hand they will failed to follow the instruction given by several superior for a single task.
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